Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm Getting My Braces Off In A Week! What To Expect? :)?

396545381 I've had them for almost 4 years and I hattte them. I feel so ugly with them. So anyways I'm really excited to finally get them off. I just had an appointment today and she put some middle ties on, is it possible that my teeth will move at all before I get them off? They are straight right now. Will my teeth look big? Will they be sore? Ahhhh I'm so happy haha:) next Tuesday will be the best day everr
Ok advice ? What to expect? Thank you!


  1. Garrett - It's amazing when you get them off. I got mine off about 2 years ago and i can still remember it like it was yesterday. What they did first (for me anyway) was loosen the metal thing in the way back, then they just chipped the brackets off and took the glue stuff off as well. I had a little "bridge" on the back of my 2 front teeth made of the glue stuff, which they had to sand off, that was the worst part, but then you look at your teeth and are amazed! They feel really slimy but its a really cool feeling. And that's what i experienced! Good luck :D

  2. Powl - First of all congratulations,It felt good its a like a big day for you but be careful you will be discomfortable at starting because you were habitual of your braces and now it will took time for you to be normal.
