Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Am I Losing The Right Amound Of Calories 500 A Day?

396545382 Here are my calorie calculating:

Age: 26
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches
Weight: 143 pounds
Activity Level: Sedentary (Little Exercise)
Gender: female
Calories burned per day: 1743

So basically, that calorie calculator said I am able to burn 1743 calories from little excercise.

I am going to the gym twice a week, burning 1000 calories.

1 pound = 3050 calories ..

So that means I have to go 6 times to lose 1 pound.

So considering all this, do you think I am on the right track? losing 500 each time I gym?


  1. Loz_TG4 - On average women lose 2000 calories naturally, that is why the guideline amount is 2000 calories and 2500 for men. To maintain that weight a 2000 daily calorie intake is advised, if you are looking to lose weight then you can lower your calorie intake to 1500.

  2. Howard Edwards - This calorie thing is a myth,It's correct in a lab but not in living dynamic systems like humans.

  3. Bigsumo - Just reduce your calorie intake to less than 1700 a day and you will lose weight without going to the gym. Reduce your calorie intake to less than 1700 per day and go to the gym twice a week and you will lose much more than a third of a pound a week. Although pure fat may contain 3000 calories a pound, human adipose and glycogen contains four ounces of water for every ounce of fat, so increasing your calorie burn by 1000 a week will actually lose you nearly 2 pounds.
