Thursday, December 8, 2011

How Much Weight Will I Lose/gain Tomorrow?

396545382 Breakfast: banana - 90 calories

Lunch: none

Snack: watermelon - 15 calories

Dinner: pizza - 344 calories (I should've just eaten one piece. I feel like such a fatty D:)

Green tea - 1 calorie

Food total: 450

Exercise: walking - 150 calories

NET total: 300 calories

I'm 5'6, 114.6 pounds, 14 years old girl.

How much will I lose?


  1. BeHAPPY - I'm concern on why you feel fat, don't worry about weight it depends on height and how the weight looks on you, I clearly believe you are pretty small, Just enjoy life eat right, don't stress it out eat in portion control do fun activities that burn calories like dancing riding bikes, take a couple walks a week, you will have no issues just eat right and stay active don't destroy yourself like this,

  2. argmyidideasaretaken - Hmm. Bad. You gotta eat at least 1200 a day, or you die. You're growing, boobs and periods and height, so you need way more. 2000 minimum. You're tall, so 114.6 is nothing. 3500 cals is a pound. But we burn like 2000 a day. 400 just in our sleep! So your net total is not enough to sleep on! Go eat hearty, get chubbier, and stay clear of anorexia. Eat bigger breakfasts, lunch, and yeah, that pizza was good. Maybe even have more next time! 344 cals is nothing. I know a girl who can eat 1500 cals worth of donuts. That's 11 donuts. And she didn't gain anything noticable. I mean, she's healthy, if kinda chubby, but she always was chubby, and it makes her awesome. She can burp better than any guy I know, and she's very attractive with her pudgey tummy. Confidence works wonders. Relax. Eat more.

  3. Michelle Stojanovski - okay you don't need to loose weight I'm 13 5.0 and 122 pounds so your tiny!
