Thursday, December 8, 2011

How Long Before My Body Adjusts To Fruit And Veg?

396545382 I introduced plenty of fresh fruits and veg to my diet a week ago and for the last few days I've been feeling bloated, having cramps and today i had a very uncomfortable case of diarrhea. I'm not eating any more than is recommended - about 3 pieces of fruit and then 3-5 portions of veg - it's a perfectly healthy, balanced diet - and yet I am so uncomfortable. I'm told the body takes time to adjust to a sudden change in diet which is fine, but how long should I expect to feel like this for because it's too unpleasant to live with for weeks and weeks.

ANy advice, please.


  1. TheTerminatorFan - Slowly introduce fruits and vegetables to your normal diet. One or two new foods each week. Give yourself 3 months to move over to all those foods. Be sure to include a daily small can amount of chicken breast, in water (drain the water) for protein.

  2. Aspie Girl - Girl, I started eating 3-5 fruits per day for a little bit over a month now and I just got diarrhea today. I haven't since I started eating those types of foods (not that I remember) so it was probably something else. And I know eating fruits may be boring to eat (I myself have a bored face when I eat fruits) but I just force myself to do it. I'm mainly doing it for my skin because I have eczema and fruits and vegetables seem to keep my skin under control. So what you can do is just set a goal. Like write it down and stick it on your fridge so you can remember your goal of why you are eating fruits and vegetables. Then you will just force yourself to eat those foods even if they make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Just wait, I'll say about a month in a half. If the problem is still occuring, maybe a doctor can help.
