Thursday, December 8, 2011

How Do You Stop A Tooth Ache?

396545381 I got a cavity fixed around 6 months ago but it randomly starts hurting again and sometimes it wakes me up in the middle of the night.
I went to the dentist and got x-rays and cleaned and everything a week ago and nothing was wrong, but this pain is too much so I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make it go away, without going to the dentist.


  1. Blah lol - I have the same problem, goes away comes back, it hurts a lot, I know. I just use orajel, its amazing. There is no true way to get rid of the pain besides to get the tooth fixed or gone. But orajel worked for me. Also brushing your teeth a LOT seems to help me.

  2. trish s - No you will need to go back to the dentist,you may have an abscess which will require antibiotics.......

  3. Ronald maxwell Jones - I wonder if there is something you're eating that is irritating your teeth? Take 500 to 1000mg of Tylenol. That'll kill the pain.

  4. Justin Kery - Consult an experienced and Professional dentist!
