Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Does Stevens-johnson Syndrome Start While You're Still Taking Medicine?

396545383 I had an allergic reaction to Bactrim a few days ago (very mild painful skin rash) so I immediately stopped taking it. Now I'm freaking out about SJS. Everything I've found says SJS starts about a week after the first dose of offending medicine, but does this mean that the person is still ON the medicine when SJS develops, or can SJS happen days after a person has totally discontinued the bad medication?


  1. call me mrs bond - Yes most definitley you shouldadvise your physician immediatley its not something that you will know until you go immediatley to an er i am saying you should have been in the drs office the second you saw any discoloration or rash gums were discolored any change in your basic biology now a rash or having a yeast infection including tbrash is normal but still go to the dr if the rash is intense painful you could have set off a form of shingles the stress or formed some type of hysteria do not ever stop to think in health matters though goidluck

  2. Vean - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.
