Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Are Bmi Calculators Wrong?

396545382 so i am 5'3 and i weight 139 and i did a bmi calculator and it said i should be 112!! isnt that like a stick?? please tell me this is wrong!!! and i did another one and it saids im obese!!! D:


  1. Salman Talukder - NO,they are actually just an estimate,and people judge their body fat with that thing

  2. Chlorine. The Breakfast of Champs - DO NOT USE BMI.
    Body Mass Index means that your body weight is too much for your body height.
    It does not take into consideration your muscle mass or fat. Yea, your body might be heavy, but you might be ripped. The best thing you can do is find your body % by a doctor.

  3. Ty - The BMI is body mass index, a measurement that says you are at less risk for many cardiovascular diseases and other controllable risk factors that has direct corillation to your body size. The healthy range is 18.5 - 25 anything over 30 is considered obese. Your BMI is 19.83 round it off to 20. I wouldnt say you are unhealthy. This has nothing to do with your body fat though, just only an approximation of what your body size should be. Maybe you are going to a website that has a bogus calculator but the calculation is (weight/height squared) times (x) 703. Your in good shape!

  4. Chicka - YES. Bmi calculators are wrong. There could be a man who is obese on the calculator but in teh best shape in his life and lives like a horse because he has so much muscle mass and muscle weighs more than fat. Or, there can be a girl who is 19.0 on the bmi but this is an unhealthly range due to the way her body is built. I would know. I had anorexia a few months ago and I was 18.9 on the bmi and was still in the "healthy range" or the bmi. but I looked like a stick and very sick, and I lost my period so obviosuyl my body want happy wher I was. My bosyw ant built to carry that little amont of weight, where as some girls my height might. I am not naturally petite, like some girsl arent either. Or, some girls and boys are "underweight" on the bmi, but due to their built, they are in fact, healthy.
    I persoanlly think the bmi is a load of bull. It all depends on trh way YOU feel and how YOU look and you lifestyle. The bmi is just a justification of what you "should" be. Its not right. However, if you feel "fat" and unhealthy, maybe you should exercise and workout. By the way, after recovery from anorexia I gained back 10 pounds and I look, feel and am more healthier. And m bmi is 20. somethins to 21.0. That is considered "healthy" on the bmi, and th lower to healthy range...however before I hated the fact that I had to b3 20.0 because I thought that wa "fat". How distorted I was. And still am...but exercise and a healthy diet is key.
    Doctors even say, someone who exerciese and eats healthy and has still a small layer of fat ontop of that muscle is still better than being really really thin and skinny with little muscle mass. Eat healthy and non processed and exericse daily and drink LOTS of water. Then you will be healthy.

  5. Katie Price - BMI calculators online are not very accurate. They are an estimate. There is no way to get an accurate result from an online calculator. The best way to get your bmi is through physical measurements and calculations. If you are a member of a gym ask if they can do your measurements, they will normally do so for free.
