Friday, December 9, 2011

Cold Sore Scab Fell Off?

396545389 Ive been using abreva constantly for 5 days now. I was eating and the scab just fell off. It started bleeding, so i held a paper towel to it for a bit and it stopped. As soon as i got to a bathroom i noticed it was a pink lesion where the cold sore orginally sat.

I put some more abreva on and let it be. If it fell off, does this mean its healing? Or do i have to repeat the whole process again?

1 comment:

  1. Lex - Just calm down, take your time and have abreva. Then find the scab and stick it back on with a solution of flour and water mixed to a paste. As it fell off when you were eating try and avoid eating shredded cabbage in mayo as a Cold Sore can react if it comes into contact with Coleslaw - it's something to do with a mix up in the dictionary.
