Monday, December 19, 2011

Accutane - Bleeding Rectal?

396545389 Hey guyz, I m currently on accutane 40 mg course. This is my 4th month

I sometimes get blood on tissue when I wipe my rectal. IT just little it is never in the bowl.

But I get a feeling to take a poop so many times. In the last 2 days i always feel like taking a poop.

I had a stomach pain once.. And it was not even long.

I saw my doctor this month. I don't know if he is actually looking at my blood test or not. I m just scared. Can someone help me out?

I also told my doctor but he just noted it down and that's all.

IS there anything to worry? And is blood on tissue from wiping rectal normal on accutane?

1 comment:

  1. She eats people - Anytime you're bleeding rectally it's not a good sign... So I'd suggest talking to your doctor about it again ASAP (see why he seems to think it's fine). I can tell you though, that one of the reasons people can bleed rectally on accutane is that it dries them out so much that it basically causes hemmroids. That's no biggie, but the fact that you're also having stomach issues (feeling like you have to go even when you dont) IS. Definitely tell your doctor about this because any side effects you're experiencing on accutane are important to monitor. Accutane can cause serious stomach issues (i'm sure you know this) and sometimes the side effects can be permanent, and people aren't even aware of them until months or years after the treatment is stopped. It's up to you whether you want to continue this medication at the risk of permanent side effects.

    Just so you know, I was on accutane for really bad acne, but I quit taking it 3 months in (after I was clear) because I couldn't stand the side effects even on 10mgs (i also believed I was developing scarring). My doctor immediately switched me to retin a and I got even clearer and stayed that way, so please don't look at accutane as being your only option right now--it's not.
