Friday, December 9, 2011

What Will Thyroid Medication Do? How Will It Help?

396545384 I had my first visit with an endocrinologist yesterday. She says I have an underactive thyroid. For some reason I have to wait another 4 months to get any medication. I think she mentioned that the medication is just a hormone.

What will it do? Will I lose weight or gain energy or anything? And will things like dry thinning hair and pale drawn skin improve?


(putting this q in diabetes as I also have pcos and apparently hypothyroidism is common in people with an insulin resistance)
I think it´s because I´ve gone public. It took me 6 months just to get the appointment...she didn´t give me anything and my next one is in four the meantime I just have to eat healthily and exercise. Very frustrating knowing I have to wait another 4 months....this will add up to being nearly a year just to get some help.


  1. S - Do not understand why you have to wait four months for treatment you will be given levothyroxine a synthetic form of thyroxine which is thyroid hormone it will take some time for effects to be noticed. But eventually your symptoms will improve once the correct dosage is acheived .. tend to start on low dose and increase according to thyroid hormone levels in blood tests as I say this will take time it has taken a year for my partner to get normal thyroid levels and he is still struggling to lose weight good luck

  2. disgusted with councils - I have had thyroid medication for over 40 years. Everything will improve when the medication starts. It is a hormone treatment. You can be under or over active, so medication will put it to the proper level and you will feel the benefit. You will get regular blood tests to moniter medication dosage, and it will be adjusted if needed. Hope this helps you.

  3. Jennywren - I don't know why it will take 4 months to get medication!

    The medication given for this is the hormone Thyroxine.

    Normally a GP will give this once the blood test has come back showing you have an under active thyroid.

    It will take a while to get the dosage right so a few more blood tests will happen.

    Once this is done you should feel much better, have more energy and lose weight.

    I too have type 2 diabetes and under active thyroid.

    I am constantly being told that the most important thing to do along with medication is exercise!!!

  4. DAVID - don't understand why you have to wait another 4 months i would go back and find out why .have had the problem for 12 years and yes it takes times to get the medication correct montly blood test then yearly no prescription charges as can be life threatning .effects men differently to woman . but once you get on it you will feel better and you will lose wieght after time . and to help your hair take vitamin c or drinks that improve vitamin c intake . it does work . but get on the medication as soon as you can .

  5. Kai - Me too, I don't get the 4 month waiting period unless your doctor isn't sure the blood tests results are true--sometimes if you are "borderline" hypothyroid, the doc may want to wait a little while and take another test to make sure your thyroid levels are indeed dropping and hasn't plateaued. Because once you go on the hypothyroid med, you are stuck for the rest of your life--there is no cure and your body figures it somehow is getting enough thyroid juice so it stops making any of its own, you become dependent on that little pill. I put on going on levothryoine for years until my blood tests were coming in without any questions about my need for thyroid help. Once you get the correct amount, and it may take some adjusting to find the precisely best amount, things just go back to working correctly. The few times I have either forgotten to take my pill, or when a new medication for something else interferes with my thyroid med from working, I feel like dead meat, feel like my body and any part of it is just too heavy to life, even my arms, I start feeling a little foggy and way tired. I might feel unable to keep my body temp stable but I'm usually too tired to notice. I've heard (not sure where, maybe the dentist?) that the thyroid controls that little membranes in your gums that keep your teeth held in place. Some people do experience hair loss. It is a hormone, but not necessarily a sex hormone. Some people lose weight, some people gain weight, it didn't affect my weight at all.

  6. Emilyboo - Yes the medication is a hormone. see a person who suffers from hypothyriodism doesnt make enough tsh4. I think why you are saying you have to wait another 4 months is either the doctor doesn't know your actual thyroid numbers or every 4mo. you need to get blood work done.
    The medication will overtime make you feel better but it's very important to get your bloodwork done and to take your medication at the same time everyday. As for lose or gain weight idk it all depends on how you eat and how much excersise you get and how you feel that day. If dry thinning hair and pale skin doesn't improve talk with your doctor because those are side effects of the drug. I have been diagnosed with hypothroidism for about 5yrs now and i still don't know everything about this disease. All that i know is when i take the medician i feel better and when i don't i feel like crap. If you really want to know more about hypothyroidism talk with your doctor and do some research. Thats what i did. Hope this helps you and i hope you get your thyroid problem under control.

  7. I wish more people would try desiccated bovine supplements before drugs. Read and educate yourself.
