Thursday, December 8, 2011

What Upper Ab Workout?

396545382 What is the best upper ab workout/exercises (top 4-6 abs) to workout you upper abs.


  1. linog - Double Crunches.!
    Lay on your back, and start off in crunch position.
    Its just like doing a regular crunch but as your upper body goes up, lift your knees up simultaneously.
    As you go back down, don't let your back or feet touch the ground.

  2. Ryan - Planks - where you lay on your stomach and lift yourself with your elbows/forearms

    Bicycles(also called steam engines) - lay on your back and pretend you are riding a bicycle and touch your right elbow to your left knee when it comes up and your left elbow to your right knee when that comes up

    Starfish - lay flat, spread out and lifting your left leg and right arm simultaneously meeting in the air, make sure you get your shoulders off the ground, make sure your arm and leg stay straight

    Vups - hold your legs in the air, not to high, and do crunches trying to touch your toes

    You could also use weights while doing normal crunches, also, crunches work your abs better than full sit-ups

    Try balancing on your butt and while holding a medicine ball twist side to side, it's okay if you hit the ball to ground while twisting

    Crunches really only work the top 4 abs so you might want to do some leg lifts in there to work the 5th and 6th ab

    Leg lifts - pretty self expanlitory, you just lay on your back and lift your legs

    Scissor kick - lay on your back and hold your legs about 6 to 12 inches off the ground and criss cross them over and under switching which leg is on top every time, kind of like a scissor action

    Hip ups - lay flat on your back with your feet straight out and lift them straight up, when they get to about 90 degrees, thrust your hips up

    To get great abs, some cardio will also help a lot. I would suggest running before a workout to get warmed up. I do about a mile

    Make sure you get technique down before adding weight or increasing speed

    Try to do 300 with different combinations of how many ab workouts you want

  3. ClickMaster - It's not possible to exercise just a portion of the rectus abdominus muscle...because it's one muscle. However, if you want to exercise the whole thing, here's how.

    Good luck and good health!!
