Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Is Up With My Nose? Please Help!?

396545383 Starting about a week ago my nose has been stuffy. i've tried vaporub, breath-rights, nasal decongestants (pill and liquid form) and NOTHING seems to help. I lay my head down and my nose gets extremely stuffy and it makes me snore. it's horrible i got kicked out of my room :(
I blow my nose before i go to bed and i even tried all 3 things at once. i'm trying extra pillows and hopefully that will relieve some of it. If all else fails maybe a Humidifier or something.
But do any of you have some other suggestions i can try before spending money on a Humidifier?


  1. Maria - I am allergic to dust mites and when I don't clean my room for a while and dust builds up, I get a terrible blocked nose and can't breathe. I would suggest you try and minimise the amount of dust in your room and see if it helps. If it does improve after clearing your room you probably are allergic to them and you should see a doctor for more advice.

    You say it is when you lay down you get stuffy? This may be due to your bedding. I have hypo-allergenic dust mite free bedding which really helps me and might help you also. Hope your nose feels better soon!
