Saturday, December 17, 2011

Itchy Skin Help Finding Alcohol Free Lotions?

396545389 I work in a dry environment and when it gets to be 100 degrees my skin itches. Mostly it is my face and it is on my arms, neck and back as well. I have tried Aveeno and and other creams and lotions. While it feels good going on, my skin starts to itch again. I believe it is the alcohol in the lotions that makes it worse. Are there any lotions/creams that do not have alcohol? I am interested in also home type recipes using different fruits.

1 comment:

  1. ☆ΜαΣϰιντολογιςτ☆ - I think you should get your skin check out by a doctor to get to the bottom of what is causing the itching.

    You are so vague with the lotions you have used. I mean... can I get some names? I take it that you are referring to fatty alcohols, which are not drying and should not itch. Such alcohols are actually moisturizing.

    Do you itch ONLY when you apply lotion? I cannot help you because you are so vague. At home remedies are not going to help - trust me. Fruits? Eat them.
