Saturday, December 10, 2011

Isn't Alexa's Life So Hard?:'(?

396545116 Ok so one of my friends had a baby and I went to go see her in the hospital. Well I had to wait for her outside the room. And as I was waiting i heard a surgon and doctor talking about this younger child and how he thinjks shes gonna die any day now. I went up to the doctor and asked if I could go talk to this girl.he took me to her room and I got to talk to her and hear what is all wrong with her. Everything she told me made cry. And to make a long story short this 12yr old girl has 5 cancers and has surgery almost once every week, shes at the hospital so much that almost all the staff knows her name. I asked this because all I can think about is that she told me that she cries her self to sleep every night because it is so hard for her to keep I wanted to know if this was really sad in your opinion.


  1. Tarkarri - It would be unethical for a Dr to tell you the patients medical condition or to introduce you to a patient of that age without the parent's permission.

    I think you are telling stories.

  2. CJ - Yes, it is hard. But I have a hard time believing this actually happened. First of all, she wouldn't even be in the same hospital as your friend, she would be in the cancer center of a childrens hospital. And second of all, doctors are never aloud to talk to people about their patients. But putting those two things aside, of course it's sad. Cancer is such a terrible disease, but she needs to keep fighting, and hopefully she can get through this. That's the thing with cancer, never lose hope, because you may be able to make it through. In fact, never lose hope with anything! I have cystic fibrosis and I have hope that one day they will find a cure, and I'll be okay, and never have to go to the hospital again :) That'll be a pretty awesome day.

  3. april - She doesn't have 5 cancer and she doesn't have surgery once a week. No dr would behave in that manner. You are lying and didn't even ask a question.

  4. thinkingtime - Are you writing a story? You need to do more research. This doesn't work.

  5. Ashley - this is sad im assuming you overheard the doctors talking which does happen you should make her smile go visit her again and do anything that makes her happy

  6. TrueSnapdragon - Interesting story... that's not true at all.

    The doctors treating a child with cancer would not be in the same area as women who just had babies. Those are two separate units.

    No doctor would tell you anything about a patient. Confidentiality is a huge deal, and a doctor could not only lose his job but also face charges, fines, and prison time for divulging medical information about a patient. A random visitor would never be allowed to just go visit a child he or she does not know.

    A 12 year old would not have five separate kinds of cancer at once. What kinds of cancer does she have? What hospital is this? You should know that the world of pediatric oncology is VERY small and a child with five separate kinds of cancer would be well known.

    Nice try.

  7. Me. - funny how your name is alex...

