Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is It Useful To Drink Bitter Guard Juice For Normal Health And For Diabetes?

396545384 I have been drinking this bitter guard juice for last one year and so


  1. Sambasivarao - I think it is good , I don't know healthy format

  2. savygodzy - yes but should be more close to natural by doing morning workout and sweatout daily. would help u in diabetic

  3. Sugar - It is vary good to keep toxins and sugar level low. But as they say , prevention is better than cure . Avoid unhealthy lifestyle in the first place so you don't have to drink the pathetic tasting bitter gourd juice :-)

  4. John W - I think it's mostly just health food nonsense. Yes lower glycemic diets impose less of a glucose strain on you but that doesn't really affect whether or not you have diabetes, it just reduces the insulin load that you need. Of course being healthy is good and there's perhaps some decent vitamins and stuff in the drink.

  5. Dearbourn - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.

  6. Universal for life - As per information, it helps in controlling diabetes.
    along with brisk walking daily.
    Taking bitter guard in large quantities may make you to have piles. so be careful. This happened to me and I was forced to go for surgery.
    Instead it is better if you take Homoeo medicine which is reliable, affordable and having curative effect for diabetes.
