Thursday, December 1, 2011

Is It Possible To Be Allergic To Milkshakes But Not To Milk Or Other Dairy Products?

396545383 I love plain milk and other dairy things, but whenever I drink milkshakes I get really bad stomachaches and end up staying up all night in the bathroom. I was just curious if maybe I could be allergic to something in the milkshake but I couldn't find anything about it online.


  1. Tessa0 - What's happening is tge milk shake is too heavy for ur stomach. To make a milk shake they use a lot of dairy and ur stomach doesn't react to it nicely

  2. Mama Mia - If commercially prepared milk shakes are giving you a problem, it may be the emulsifiers or additives that they put in that are giving you an issue.

  3. JUST ME - many of them add soy to make them
    since they genetically altered soy,it is
    very hard for many people to digest it
    If I try them I have the same problem as
    you are describing.Some even make me
    violently ill within a few seconds.

  4. Is that DAVE - In most cases its a lactose intolerance-which just means the body is unable to digest the certain type type of sugar found only in dairy foods (lactose is from milk). You may not get it with other dairy products, but drinking milkshakes may make the stomach pains show. Its an obvious signal that the body doesnt want it.The body doesnt need it either-especially when you realize its not natural for the human body to drink any kind of animal milk (apart from human milk, as a baby, but only for a limited time. You may also be surprised to know that aside from the usa and the uk/some parts of europe, hardly any countries drink much milk or eat dairy products (cheese, butter, ice-cream, milk chocolate etc). Lactose intolerance is very common in adults and is not dangerous, but there is no known way to prevent lactose intolerance, so if you have the condition, avoid or restrict the amount of milk products in your diet, so you can reduce or prevent the symptoms.

    You did not state what type of milk you drink, how much you drink, and how often, to be able to compare with your milkshake intake. To some people, semi-skimmed milk is barely thought of as real milk at all (a 'white water' when compared to full cream milk and uht milk), so the lactose level may be very different with the milk you digest when compared to the milkshake. There may also be other ingredients in the milkshake not present with the milk that is aggravating your system.

    From the wiki:- Health risks of consuming dairy products
    Most dairy products contain large amounts of saturated fat.
    Some dairy products may cause health issues for individuals who have a lactose intolerance and milk allergies. Some dairy products such as blue cheese may become contaminated with the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus during ripening, which can trigger asthma and other respiratory problems in susceptible individuals.

  5. Teela - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.
