Friday, December 9, 2011

Impacted Maxillary Canines Surgery?!?

396545381 I'm so scared! Both of my upper max.canines are impacted and im have surgery in 3 weeks. How painful is it? Do they put me to sleep? How long is recovery?


  1. Mohab - These are questions you should definitely ask your oral surgeon before you have the procedure.
    Most of the time, they can put you to sleep if you're nervous.
    If they are trying to pull the canines in, basically they will drill away some bone, find the impacted teeth, and attach brackets to them with a little chain that is then used by your orthodontist to pull them down with your braces. If they are going to extract the canines, they will just take them out once they find them.
    Either way, you will have some swelling, pain, and bruising, but you're young and you'll recover pretty quickly.

  2. arnie g - Just a heads up,you may not want them to give you a drug called Versed

    In fact, many people who use Versed for "conscious sedation" during a procedure are awake for the entire procedure but remember nothing, often believing they were "out" the whole time.

    Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is commonly administered in combination with anesthesia before and during surgery. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like colonoscopies dental procedures like extractions,conscience sedation so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort. However, that does not mean that those sensations will not be experienced.
