Thursday, December 8, 2011

If My Heart Palpitations Were Found To Be Benign Should I Still Worry When I Get One Occasionally?

396545385 I have had 3 ekgs an echocardiogram and 24 hr holter monitor and 5 blood test done and all results from these test say I have benign heart palpitations does anyone else have the and how do you deal with them please help I also have panic disorder and taking prozac and klonopin could these be causing the heart palps

1 comment:

  1. nurse52 - No. Anxiety can cause palpitations. also it is normal for people to get them occasionally.
    If you have them then they can make you anxious, then more palpitations. Kind of a vicious circle.
    Try to stay calm when you have them. Tell your self "this is normal" Try coughing or bearing down like you are going to poop. Sometimes This will stop them.
    If that doesn't help try something to side track your self to get your mind off it.
    Hope this helps.
