Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How Do I Get Rid Of This Scar On My Eye?

396545389 Its not really a scar. but on my right eye its like swollen. It makes my eye look bigger and uneven with my other eye. its been like this for like 3 weeks now and im kinda mad cause it looks so weird lol. EYE just wana know if there is anyway to get my eye back to regular. Its just a line thats swollen on my eye lid.

1 comment:

  1. ☆ΜαΣϰιντολογιςτ☆ - Your description is unhelpful. It is either a scar or it is not. Since you do not know, then no one here has any idea what it is, so how can anyone help you?

    Visit a board-certified dermatologist and get an accurate diagnosis.
