Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How Can I Tell If I'm Anemic?

396545384 - I get frequent migrains (though this could be a result of allergies/ swollen sinuses I cant really tell)
-I am always tired, no matter how long I sleep for
-I have really low blood pressure for my regular. I think I'm now 100/80
-Is this anemia or just over exertion?
Kinda just need peace of mind. Thanks!


  1. - You can't really diagnose everything yourself these days. With all this information on the internet it is best go see a doctor. Your best option is to make a doctor's appointment and get it checked out.

  2. Elwap - Probably, check for B12 deficiency, celiac disease...

  3. Lisa Simpson - You can often tell if you are anaemic by pulling down your bottom eyelid and looking inside. Anaemic people tend to be paler there than most people.

    However, the only way you can tell for sure is by seeing your doctor.

  4. Steve B - need blood tests to tell.................thyroids,mono,
    and diabetes can also be the problem..............see doc...........

  5. Thornton - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.
