Friday, December 9, 2011

Could It Be A Side Effect Of Hair Dye?

396545383 My dad has been behaving weird of late. He behaves like a person under influence of alcohol. He has lost control over his brain. Keeps saying things. Doesn't recall things from the recent past. Almost met a big accident while driving (we've taken the car keys since.).
Now let me tell where the problem might stem from:-
1. He dyed his hair and mustache recently.
2. He has severe asthma. (for the past 20 years)
3. The dye was applied in way too much quantity.
4. He "might have" inhaled some of it.
5. He has been behaving weird since.

BTW, we've put him under medication, but I feel sad to look at his condition.
I really love him a lot and I want to see him smiling again.
Can anyone pour in some advice(s), therapy(ies) or suggestion(s)?

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