Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Is The Connection Between Obesity And Diabetes Type Ii?

396545384 I understand that it is a disease that affects the the bodies ability to maintain sugar levels in a healthy range but why does it affect obese people more?


  1. micksmixxx - For some, as yet unexplained reason, adipose (abdominal) fat can lead to insulin resistance. This means that the insulin that your pancreas is producing isn't used as effectively. This leads to a build up of glucose, which we get from the breakdown of carbohydrates during the digestive process, in the bloodstream which, in turn leads to type 2 diabetes.

    Obesity is NOT the only reason that type 2 diabetes comes about, however, otherwise that would mean that all obese people would be diabetic, and this simply isn't the case. You must be carrying the genes from your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc.

  2. john g - obesity is one of many causes for diabetes but it plays crucial role causing this disease

    and the connection maybe be because the more you eat the more fat that cumulative in the body especially in abdomen area causing a big belly as a result the exceeding amount of fats turn into sugar which affects the pancreas

  3. Nana Lamb - It DOESN'T affect obese people more!! They are just more visible! Less than half of obese people get diabetes just as less than half of skinny people get diabetes!! You don't look at a skin and bones scarecrow type person and say, what you have diabetes?? No! So why do you think more obese people are diabetics or more diabetics are obese.

    Your perception is wrong! But that is just one more URBAN MYTH that we have to deal with.

  4. Tabea - Weight is related to Type 2 diabetes but does not cause Type 2 diabetes.

    You will often hear the statistic that 80% of Type 2 diabetics are overweight.

    Less often will you hear the statistic that only 1/3 of overweight people will ever get diabetes. That means that the majority of overweight people will never get diabetes.

    Read more here : in particular the article on Not All Fat People Get Diabetes, and Not All Diabetics Are Fat

  5. Kai - In many (but not all) Type 2 diabetics, their bodies stop being able to normally deal with glucose properly, and it turns the extra glucose into fat to store it. We get fat first and no amount of regular type dieting works because the problem is still there, inability to deal with excess glucose. It's only as out blood tests finally start showing that our blood glucose keeps getting a little higher each time we take the test, and only when the level gets up to the the "diabetic levels" that we are finally diagnosed and something can be done. I kept gaining weight, gaining weight no matter what I did. I even had the flu for 4 days and didn't eat and managed to gain weight. It wasn't until I was diagnosed and started taking oral medication for diabetes did I start losing weight. I already had a fairly good diet (I've always loved veggies and generally load up on them rather than other stuff, am not a fast food eater, and have other food intolerances so I always mind what I eat) so I didn't have to change it much to maintain a good diabetic diet. And that's the connection--body can't handle the glucose (sugar from sweet stuff but also carbs that get turned into glucose during digestion) so sticks the glucose into fat cells.

  6. Benedict Jephcote - The links between type 2 diabetes and obesity are firmly established. Without the intervention of a healthy diet and appropriate exercise, obesity may develop into diabetes over a relatively short period of time.

    You don't get diabetes because you're obese; it forms when you become insulin resistant. Once the body starts to get resistant to insulin, it can be a difficult process to reverse because the knock on effect of insulin resistance, higher circulating levels of insulin in the blood stream and weight gain, help to further advance insulin resistance.

  7. Maria - hmmm nice information shared by you. Really many deceases are caused by obesity
