Monday, November 28, 2011

Does Walmart Have Insulin That You Can Buy Without A Prescription? (for Type 1 Diabetic)?

396545384 I don't have any insurance and I need to buy insulin soon. The last one I have was bought when I had insurance -- we can't afford the insurance anymore and I wonder if there is anywhere I could buy insulin. I'm using humilin 70/30 right now.


  1. Marie K - you need a prescription, if you have a prescription that has not run out you can have it transferred, if it has run out you need to call the doc and see if you can get a new script without an office visit
    DO get it this is so VERY important

  2. CarbonDated - You do not need a prescription to get insulin. It is OTC. The best price in my area is Sam's Club pharmacy (you don't need a membership to use the pharmacy) for N and R, but I don't know about the blend. Syringes are a little harder, but all but 5 states allow you to get SOME syringes every time you go to the pharmacy. Walgreens in my area (MN) allows you to get a box of syringes (100) at a time if you have previously had a prescription for insulin (which shows that you are diabetic).

    If all else fails, contact your county health dept. They can refer you to help. You are not alone. A lot of diabetics are in similar straits.

  3. Emilyboo - yes walmart has humulin 70/30
