Saturday, November 26, 2011

Is It Wierd For A Girl To Have Abs?

396545382 O have very noticeable abs( a six pack) and I'm 13 is it wierd for me to have abs?


  1. Jam Sam - hey fuck you i have a beer gut

  2. jamie - If you're athletic, no. If it's just cause you're super skinny and have no fat, then just make sure you're eating healthy. But no it's not weird.

  3. Miriam - im 13 too!! lol but a little is ok but if its really big maybe u should stop working out if u are..and can u choose me as a best answer cuz i never had one plzz?

  4. RedFeather - No, it's not. The reason you might have abs while other girls don't, is simply because everyone is different, and that's just how your body happens to be. If you eat healthy and exercise (that is NOT to be read as not eating, btw), then there should be no problem. You are who you are, and you should be proud to be who you are.

  5. Athlete's Foot - Its actually okay. You should pursue modelling since its ugly to take pictures if you dont have core strength. You have an advantage.
