I have swollen (one inch in diameter) lymph nodes, they are very had and not painful, and are constantly changing size ( getting smaller and then bigger and all that, usually they get smaller after a shower or something, and I've had one of them for years) But this is not what's bothering me. On top of one of the lymph nodes, slightly on the side, there's another lump, it is not round, it almost feels kind of sharp, it is very hard too and is under my skin, haha and NO it's not a pimple or whatever (yes, sorry that sounds kinda gross :\) The thing is, it seems to have grown slightly since I first noticed it. Can a lymph node feel tis way. The thing is, i'm scared it's a lymph node, because that means I may have an
infection, and that's bad because i'm volunteering tomorrow in a pediatric oncology ward in a local hospital, and I'm scared i'll
infect the kids. But we're having a doctor do a physical on us before we leave so I guess that's fine, but is it still safe to go? Also should I tell anyone about the weird lump? (I'm 15, female)
SORRY it is so long!!!! Thank you for any answer you leave, it's amazing how all you guys take time
help people online!! <3
G - Sounds like you have a suppressed immune function that could be triggered by any number of things, something as small as an ear infection could trigger it, by water entering the ear canal while showering or swimming.
ReplyDeleteTo resolve this problem I suggest you place a few drops of alcohol into the ear canals using a moist cotton ball, titling your head sideways for a minute then drain it out onto a tissue, doing both sides. If your lymph nodes do improve this could be your problem, if not see a doctor.
You could also gargle with mouthwash to kill any bacteria/virus you may have picked up. I suggest you wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer before eating or after coming in contact with virus carrying objects, like a grocery carts, door handles, etc.
Very interested you mentioned that your lymph nodes improved after a showering because there is a very effective immune triggering therapy called hydrotherapy. I suggest you use it. Here it is:
A more simpler way of Hydrotherapy is to alternate between hot and cold water in the shower. Get into shower and shower under reasonably hot water (making sure not to burn yourself). Making sure the hot water gets around your neck, chest and back areas. Stand there for several minutes relaxing until you can feel your body relived from it, for about 5-10 minutes.
Here comes the hard part, turn on the cold water (not so cold you lose your breath), and let the cold water run all over you chest and back area and under your arms and in your groin area, in other words completely saturate your whole body under the cold water, but in your case, do not let the cold water come in contact with your neck and upper shoulders or the top of your head area. It is OK for cold water to run over your face. Do this for two minutes.
You must be brave and stick it out and do this to repeat great benefits of hydrotherapy, (but if you have heart problems completely skip this process and instead drunk your feet in a bucket of very cold water for 2 minutes and then alternate between hot and cold water 3 times.)
Then turn back on the hot water and shower under hot water as you did the first time, sit under it until you feel your body relieved, about 2 minutes, paying special attention to your neck and upper shoulder areas.
Then again turn back on the cold water and shower for 2 minutes. This time it wont be as bad.
Do this process of cold and hot water in the shower three times ending in cold water. Your immune function will be extremely benefited from this. Do this everyday until the problem goes away.
This could be compared to when you were a kid and you laid on the hot concrete after getting out of the cold pool and then after a half an hour jumping back in! In fact you could do this three times in a row if your at the pool in the summer time when you are in general good health, it wouldn't hurt!
Hydrotherapy is used to CURE cancer in cancer therapy, with just this therapy alone!
Good health to you!