see i don't care if it's not save or not all that i want to be is skinny and nothing else,see im tired of being fat,so just tell me on what i need to be anorexic,all that i hear is don't do this or don't do that,see i think being anorexic and nothing else,just tell me what i need to do to be anorexic or bulimic,i see skinny people and i say to myself man i wish that i was anorexic or bulimic,from the time i saw myself in A mirror,i was say man i hate the way that i look like,see you might say your dumb but i really want to be anorexic i figure if you had people make fun you,then then you would change your mind
Neil - Being skinny, and Anorexic aren't the same thing(you'll actually always see yourself as a fat-looser if you do become Anorexic, so effectively you'd be choosing to never, ever fix your problem).
ReplyDeleteIf you wanna stop people making fun of you, learn to box, it'll fix it all, without you having to develop a mental disease, and wreck your body.
Annie M - You can't chose to become anorexic. It's a mental illness. It's like trying to become schizophrenic. It isn't something you control.
ReplyDeleteYou can crash diet, as a lot of people do, but there is a big difference between that and anorexia.
It is never a choice.
.,. - Wow I bet you've insulted a heck a lot of anorexics and bulimics with this question.
ReplyDeleteAnorexia and bulimia are not just about 'being skinny' - they are MENTAL DISEASES. You can't just decide to be anorexic or bulimic one day.
What you're referring to is being very skinny, which is different from anorexia. Some anorexics aren't even thin.
Alex - You sound like a big ass baby, hombre.
ReplyDeleteMan the heck up, if you wanna be fit go do some tough explosive cardio and some muscle building exercises, pick up a good diet and stick with them for, idk, 6 weeks? You'll be alot happier.
There's plenty of info about losing weight on the web.
TitoBob - I can understand your wish to be slim as opposed to fat, but that can be accomplished in a healthy way through sensible dieting and exercise, without running the risk of ruining your health, which prolonged anorexia/bulimia does. True anorexia is a form of slow suicide, and as such is a mental illness. Before attempting to starve yourself and over-exercise to lower your weight, have a look at information about anorexia and bulimia on the Internet, so you understand the risks involved in approaching your goals in that manner. Many models who starve themselves to keep their weight down suffer health problems down the road, so it isn't really worth it in the long run. You are intelligent enough to evaluate this situation and decide on a safe and healthy approach to life - you do want to have a life, don't you? Please see a counselor and let him/her help you do that. Just make sure the control you exert over your food intake and exercise level is with good health in mind.
ReplyDeleteChristopher Warby - Having a good eating a exercise routine, will boost your confidence from this horrible thought, bulimia is a dreadful affliction, as is anorexia these both will bring you close to death, bulimia will rot you from the inside out, the constant stream of vomit and stomach acid will eventually eat away at your throat lining and disintegrate your teeth, I suffered bad with bullying as a young man because of my weight but by working out and change of diet i shed eight stone from a massive twenty four stone at my peak.
ReplyDeleteIf you knock off the binge
eating and watch the fat intake of your food you will achieve so much More and maybe seek some form of counseling because these feeling a form of depression obviously making you unhappy i hope you decide to take thew healthy option.