Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How Can I Get Rid Of A Big Pimple Over Night?!?

396545389 i'v already tried toothpaste on my pimple but it didn't work!): i have school tomorrow so please help!(:


  1. KICK ASZ - Some say soak a cotton ball in thick salt water and then press it on your problem spot. Did this once and it went away over a day but at first looks flat and swelled at the same time.

  2. yaori - actually you can't get rid of a pimple overnight!
    you should try putting raw honey on it and leave it for 15 minutes. honey are good killers of germs.. :)

    try to scrub it gently with honey and brown sugar too.. rinse it with warm water. :)
    drink lots of water specially TEA, greet tea soothes skin, it helps prevent pimples..
    exercise to burn more fats, it'll be healthy for your body, including your face. :)

    getting rid of a pimple takes day so you have to be patient. :)
    don't worry! everyone has flwas and having pimples is normal. :)
    God bless you!

  3. Raymond - If its big and yu try to make it go away over night its still going to have a nasty mark tho..

  4. Gardening fanatic - Toothpaste on clean skin should work. Don't squeeze. Another option is surgical spirit but it might make the skin so dry that it looks worse. Stick with toothpaste, keep off sugar and drink plenty of water (no soda).

    Does your Mum have any SBC Propolis gel? If yes, dab a bit on.

    For the future - get some Tea Tree skin wash and use it regularly. Australian Bodycare used to do a huge pump bottle. It was the only thing that cleared my son's skin.

  5. Arieanna - If it's a whitehead, then pop it. This may sound very wrong to do but if you clean the pimple with alcohol or soap and water after you pop it, the pimple should be fine. Next, put some Neosporin on it, and bandage it up! In the morning, DO NOT CLEANSE YOUR FACE, this will irritate the pimple, causing redness, thus drawing more attention to it. If you want even better results, you can mix a B-vitamin tablet or liquid-gel pill with the Neosporin. If the B-vitamin pill is a tablet, crush it until it's a powder. If it's a liquid-gel pill, use a needle or the end of a fork to pop it open. I hope I was of some help to you!

  6. Karen B - If you ever saw the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, put Windex on it. It works for everything and the zit the bride groom had went away.

  7. Malasapati - apply aspirin mask
    or sandalwood paste

  8. Deepak - Home Remedies For Pimples
    Best way to teat Pimples or acne is: Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and rose water. Apply this mixture on the affected areas with cotton and leave it for an hour. Continue doing this for about 15 to 20 days to have the desired results.

    Avocado paste, made with the help of water, consists of a natural remedy for getting rid of Pimples. Use it like a face wash, making sure to gently rub it on your face for 5 minutes. Then, wash it off with water. Acne will be gone if repeated often.
