I am 14 and i am scrawny with a stomach the stands out a little. I dont work out very often mabye 1 everyother week for 10 mins. I am going on a cruise in 2 weeks and i want to look stronger and not wimpy. I am currently doing pushups sitsups crunches plank bycicle exercises(nothing to do with a bike) and a few other little things. Do you know any exercises that will
help me look better in 2 weeks. Please
help me. Please dont give me any stupid answeres like " i bet you already look fine" or " i doesnt matter what you look like. Please just give me a few realy good exercises.
Sorry i had to rant i have asked this 12 times now and i keep getting stupid answers like that. Please
0xoBrownEyesxo0 - Do alot of sit ups, push ups, weight lifting, squats and running. I did this one summer to tone up and I noticed results in a week! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteed5 - Sorry.... 2 weeks is too short. No miracle workout can do that