I was in the bathroom about 3 days ago and noticed 2 little hard lumps in the back of my throat. I have no sore throat, no difficulty swallowing, no cough, not change in voice, hoarseness, no ear aches, no head aches, no pain at all. I went to my college wellness center today and they said it wasn't anything bad and gave me some cough drops and told me to gargle salt water. I am a dipper, I have been dipping for about a month and and some change. I Seriously doubt its throat cancer because throat cancer is said to occur in man 50 and older. I just want to know what you guys think it might be.
I have noticed my tonsils have swollen but have both unswollen now and one of them have white on them.
Moderate Somber - It is a minor inflammation. Nothing to be concerned about.