Monday, November 28, 2011

Can't Eat Spicy Food All Of A Sudden!? (increased Heart Beat, Feeling Faint...)?

396545385 I love the taste of spicy food and have been ok eating it for a long time! (anything hot)
Literally one day, all of a sudden - i was eating a green curry, wasn't TOO hot or anything- after a few mouthfuls of eating, i started feeling panicky (similar to feelings of a panic attack!) and i went all white and had to stop eating...
I thought that maybe i wasn't just feeling right... but ive not been able to eat ANYTHING hot since.
No matter how mild. Even onions in my food... if i can feel/taste the heat my body starts up again, feel faint and my heart goes really fast :/

How can this be all of a sudden???
Slightly confused, as i genuinely love spicy food lol ... im scared to try it anymore...


  1. Olivia M - It's probably psychological, so you should ask a psychologist.
