Why do you think there are no trials? CommonSense would tell you if there is any chance in hell that a medicine could cure cancer they would jump all over it in minutes, only they can't control this type of medicine, they dont want trials, they want business.
Now SOMEONE TELL ME, IF THAT DOCTOR WAS SO RIGHT THEN HOW DID HE LIVE OVER A YEAR? HOW DID THE TUMOR SHRINK TO 1/3? Magic? or a "miracle"? which is it? IF HE HAD FOLLOWED WHAT THE DOCTOR SAID, NOT ONLY WOULD HE HAVE DIED IN A COUPLE MONTHS HE WOULD HAVE DIED FEELING SICK AND MISERABLE. How can you explain that? The doctor did end up killing him anyways accidently with surgery (spreading the cancer across his whole body). The same scan that showed his tumor had shrunk tremendously and that he had no other cancer - show a week or so afterwards how badly they had spread his cancer, He went from feeling better then he had in years to looking like a dead man walking within 2 weeks of that surgery and died a week after that. How can you logically explain that? besides admitting that the juicing worked. There is NO other explination. I know that it dosent work on everyone, but it damn sure sounds like it beats the doctors way. Anyone who cant see that is ignorant. These pharmaceutical compan
These pharmaceutical companies have the doctors and patients so convinced that ONLY THEY can cure cancer with there outdated chemo and radiation. *I CAN GAURANTEE YOU THAT MY PAWPAW'S DOCTOR SAW THINGS A LITTLE DIFFERENTLY WHEN HE WALKED IN HIS OFFICE LOOKING HEALTHIER THEN EVER A YEAR AFTER HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD* And that when he saw his scans that showed how significantly his cancer shrunk he probably changed his mind about my moms way and juicing. HE just cant say it, or he wouldn't have a job. The Doctors are defending their jobs and the pharmaceutical companys are defending their billions, and you guys are buying into it all.
And just to let you know if you have a family full of medical personnel they will tell you the truth about what they think, do u think my mom came up with that on her own? a Doctor that was a close friend told her to do it. NO Matter what any statistic the pharmaceutical companies put out there to defind there billions I know what I saw. A lot of doctors
doctors and medical professionals know it too but they cant tell you that. Luckily the majority of my family is in the medical profession, so I get to hear their conversations and know what really works and not what drugs the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell you. If one person gets something out of this it would absolutely make my day, Im wasting my time and energy to try to help you because of what I know, and u guys are just repeating what the doctors, who are trying to protect their best interest, are telling you. Its your life believe who you want. I have no motive in telling you this, but ur doctor has a motive and the pharmaceutical companies have a motive, just think about it.
Im sorry if I sound agitated its just hard because Im telling you stuff I know from FACT works. You guys are telling me what the BIASED pharmaceutical companies and docs want u to think
I would love to hear a doctors opinion on how his tumor miraculously shrunk to 1/3 or how he was alive and better then ever over a year after he should have been dead. Any Doctors?
Why dont u speak up and admit it does work on some people, its all anonymous here, give these people some hope.
Jake - he has spent way more in legal fees, and even faced imprisonment. I dont think he had much to gain by faking it, the ones that had something to gain by getting rid of him and a treatment they couldn't patent would be the pharmaceutical companies. If He was out for money he would have quit a long time ago.
How can you fake a man who should of been dead a year ago walking in healthier then he had been in a long time
Jake - Ever considered the possibility than Burzynski and his team faked test results? Why wouldn't people who only cared about money lie about these things? Why not?
ReplyDeleteEDIT: Perhaps the man never suffered from the claimed disease in the first place? He has spent all that money in legal fees because the FDA perhaps knew that his treatment wasn't legitimate and tried to have him jailed (what's wrong with that)?
Sofroniaa - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.