Monday, November 28, 2011

Is It Possible To Loose Wieght In Your Face And Nose?

396545382 ive tried make up and im a bit too young for surgery so i thought i could ask again because well people were not too nice about the question last time i asked. The thing is my face and nose are pretty wide and i have tried the make up things but they never work, is there anything i can do?
if it helps i am rather tall but im not fat or thin either im in a kinda slightly podgey\tall stage


  1. cornflake#1 - It may be because you are so young that your face and nose look so out of proportion. You don't mention your age - but I would guess that by your late 20s, your face and body will have caught up with one another.

    There are no exercises which you can specifically target your face and nose with. I have seen people try stretching exercises for their face - but you would probably get a better facial workout with a piece of chewing-gum (It's certainly much cheaper than electrical gadgets and surgery).

    Why don't you just accept that exeryone around us is a different shape and size.

    Beauty is only skin deep - people are generally attracted to the other things - like a good heart and mind.

  2. Nota - Your beautiful. Don't worry about it.
