Saturday, November 26, 2011

Im Hungry And I Have Stitches In My Top Gums, What To Eat?

396545381 I cant eat anything hard, spicy, or hot. My doc. gave me a list of what im suppose to eat, but my mom has the list and shes at the store. Help me? thx :)


  1. puma - Jello (it's cold and soft), baby food (doesn't taste as bad as it sounds just stick to the fruit and veggies), mashed potatoes (just make sure they're not too hot). Don't use a straw to drink, but you can have Boost or other nutritional supplements.

  2. Cecilia - Them eat bread its not hard spicy or hot

  3. Malia Ruiz - Rock candy, jalapeno, or a latino.

  4. Nakedguy44 - Put a hamburger in a blender.
