Thursday, November 10, 2011

Little Hard Lumps All Over Palms?

396545389 I went to bed last night and when I woke up this morning the palms of my hands are covered in little hard bumps. They don't hurt and it looks like there is clear liquid under the surface?


  1. Lady deuce xx - its blisters or dried skin. get some hand moisturizer on it and get a bath.

  2. Nathan - That has happened to me several times in the past couple years. I have bad seasonal allergies, so I have always figured it was a weird allergic reaction. But I ended up popping all of the blisters after a day because they were bugging me and there was new skin underneath. The blistered skin wore off after a couple days at work and they turned completely back to normal. I always thought it was pretty weird every time it happened though. I personally had no negative effects from my experience, but it is never a bad idea to see a dermatologist or other trained health professional. They would definitely be able to give the best opinion.
