Friday, November 25, 2011

Ant Skin Expert Out There!!!!?

396545389 I just performed a home chemical salicylic acid peel 15% at home.

Obliviously, after the peel was all done and I had applied the neutralizer, I unknowingly applied a moisturizer that contained glycolic acid.

Is this bad, or?

1 comment:

  1. ☆ΜαΣϰιντολογιςτ☆ - What is the brand of the chemical peel? Makeup Artist's Choice? Anyway,

    First off, you do not need a neutralizer. You can just neutralize the acid with water.

    Okay, you just applied a chemical peel, so your skin is probably red and a little sensitive to certain things. Did you feel like burning, stinging, or tingling sensation when you applied the moisturizer with glycolic acid? If not,

    1) pH of the cream is too low
    2) Not that much glycolic in there to be effective

    Either way, you can just wash it off with water. No big deal.

    Do not forget about sunscreen!

    P.S: Gabranth is way better! Ha!

    If you have other questions, you can email me. Sorry, I do not add contacts. Cheers!
