Saturday, September 24, 2011

Should I Try A Nasal Allergy Spray?

396545383 I have had allergies since I was 16. Claritin worked when I was 16-18. I would also take allegra. Well my body has become immune to these medicines. I have also tried benedryl and Zyrtec. I am still congested. So should I try a nasal allergy spray? It truly sucks when you can't breath, your eyes are itchy and dry, and you can't stop sneezing. Does anyone have any suggestions. My father suggested taking a double dose and that didn't work either...


  1. pennypincher - The good nasal sprays are prescription only. Nasonex and Beconase AQ are very good. However, you have to be on them for five days before they start working. After that they work so well that you don't know you have hay fever.

  2. Trooper - I have read all that you wrote. You seem to be STRONGLY allergic to environmental allergens ( examples are pollen, dust,mites, smoke etc) and you also know exactly what needs to be done. Good job. Yes proceed with the nasal spray (anti-allergy). It should help. If it does not work by itself then use it in combination with the third generation antihistamines which you are already using.
    Nasal sprays work the moment they come in contact with the mucosa of the nose. You do not have to wait for five days for them to work.
