Saturday, September 24, 2011

Brain Tumor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

396545116 I'm a 15 year old girl, usually perfectly healthy, not on any medication or doing drugs etc. In the past few months, occasionally I get these sharp pains in my head. Usually on the left but sometimes on the right. They arn't particularly painful and don't happen very often (maybe once every couple of weeks) but they are really concerning me. Also every so often I would get dizzy spells which lasted a couple of hours. (a bit of vertigo and lightheadedness)

3 nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with intense vertigo, the whole room around me was spinning. This lasted about half an hour and when it settled down a bit I fell asleep. When I woke up again in the morning, the vertigo was still there and it hasn't gone away once ever since. Sometimes it gets really bad but it is ALWAYS there. It feels like I'm being spun around all the time or walking on a boat, its HORRIBLE. I went to the doctor the day after this happened and he said it was probably an inner ear infection although he is not 100% sure (he said it's not my eyes) and gave me some vertigo and anti-nausea pills which don't really make a difference. Along with this I've started getting random pains down my arms and legs and in the past hour my hands have started to go numb. I realise that these are all symptoms of a brain tumor. my head feels really heavy (lots of pressure) and i feel exhausted and extreemely anxious all the time. I have major coordination problems, it feels like I'm leaning to the left side. These symptoms are all getting worse and worse. I have also realised I find it quite hard to type, i keep getting the letters confused.

I realise this is probably a brain tumour but my family doesn't believe me because I have had a lot of anxiety over the past few months and they think this is all because of that but they are going to take me back to the doctor in two weeks if the vertigo hasn't disappeared.

I'm actually freaking out at the moment, I can't stop thinking about what will happen when i get diagnosed with a brain tumour, what if I die!!!???
Can someone help me and tell me if this sounds like I have a brain tumour!! how can I stop worrying!!!
the doctor only knows about the vertigo because the rest of the symptoms came later


  1. Pretti - If the problems persist, a diagnostic work up may be necessary. The only way to know if you had a brain tumor would be with a CT scan or MRI. Best of luck to you.

  2. april - You probably don't have a brain tumor any more than you had heart disease you were sure you had 2 months ago.

  3. Meg - I suggest you stop googling symptoms and jumping to conclusions. Be careful or soon you may become a case of the girl who cried wolf. If a doctor doesn't think you have a brain tumour why on earth would you think you had one? Stop self diagnosing.

  4. - Joseph - - Visit your doctor he can do tests on you, if he is concerned he will give you a scan.
