Friday, September 30, 2011

Why Do I Keep Getting Nosebleeds? ?

396545383 Keep getting them! I don't pick my nose, i don't bump it. I have had blood tests for clotting, high blood pressure- they've all come back clear. Sometimes i'll have 5 a week. I had it cauterized 3 months ago. Blood is always from right nostril. After one i feel shattered.
Only thing i have done which coincides with timing of them is take the pill. Mercilon. But now have changed brands and am on cervazette. Doc said pill and nose not linked.
What is wrong with me? :(


  1. Rich - Ask for a brain scan maybe internal bleeding from the brain

  2. Jimmy Kane - Could be your house is too dry. Try spraying everything down with a hose and shower for six hours a day.

  3. Dr Frank - Nose bleeds often predispose to nose bleeds. Once Little's area, (named after Dr. Little,) has become damaged a scab forms which is easily knocked off causing re bleeding. Cautery usually helps, but sometimes it needs to be repeated, I suspect that this is your best bet.
