Last week, I was in the woods and got bitten a few times, but I do not remember any on my face. I also got poison ivy on my trip to the woods, but the bumps don't look like poison ivy. There are 4 on my chin, one on my cheek, and one on my side burn area. I am pretty sure it is not acne and they itch like cray. I have caladryl, benadryl, eczema ointment, and lotion, but none of them have reduced their size or redness. They are about the size of a pea, but they are not just skin color like most bug bites, they are beet red. Any info is awesome, thanks.
hehehe - They night be bed bug bites.. Look up some photos on google and see if they look similar. another way to tell is if you keep itching them, mosquito bites turn yellow-ish, but bed bug bites stay red. Try to get some After-Bite, I like it alot for itches :)