Friday, September 30, 2011

If I Drink Four 16 Fl Oz Water Bottles Daily, Am I Still Getting My Daily 8 Oz Of 8 "glasses" Of Water?

396545382 You're supposed to drink eight glasses of 8 oz of water daily. Am I still getting my daily fix if I drink four bottles of 16 oz?



  1. Brayan Escobar - Haha yea you are thats a lil bit of water tho i drink two to 3 gallons a days i think you just need to keep yourself hydrated if you dont feel like its enough well drink more :)

  2. Ramiro Martinez - As long as your not dizzy and your body functions well, then your drinking enough water.

  3. Punkerjim - your body knows if you're drinking from an 8 oz glass/bottle or from a 16 oz glass/bottle. it is not the same. whoever tells you anything different is lying to you.

    don't even try 64 1 oz shots a day... that is some dangerous stuff!
