For 7 months now, I've had a blocked nose. It switches sides every so often, and it's not usually completely blocked. I've been to the doctor and been perscribed allergy tablets and decongestant sprays but they dont work. I've used sprays like Afrin for a few days which work wonders until I stop using them. Sometimes both nostrils are totally clear but not often, it's worse when sitting and lying, but most of the time one nostril is blocked alll the time, no matter what I'm doing.
Jaz E - I'd love to know the answer to this too! For about a year now I've had a blocked nose, I've got used to it now but it's so weird. I'm so jealous of people who can breathe out both their nostrels, I've forgotten what it feels like!
ReplyDeleteIt was worse when I had a dog, then it was a little bit better... But now I've got a dog again and it's been very downhill from there. Hope you find the right answer!
Cutekaity7 - If you use nasal spray for more than a few days you will become dependent -- there's no doubt in my mind this is what is going on with you. Read the back of the bottle. It says if you use it more than 3 days symptoms may worsen! You are definitely addicted to the stuff. You can wean yourself off though and it's pretty easy. Go to NoMoreNoseSpray.com for instructions on how. (Don't worry, the site is totally free.)