I've been struggling with my weight for quite some time and, I really want to lose it and the spirit is willing however, the body is weak. I tend to have problems especially in my knees because of the amount of weight put on it. I cannot run properly because well, I'm fat therefore, I run from my knees rather than moving my hips (according to my extremely sporty friend)
I'm not sure what I'm expecting to get out from asking for help from here however, I figured I'd give it a try for some tips.
I did attempt to become a vegetarian however, that failed miserably. I do eat vegetarian things once in a while but, the meat cravings kick in sooner or later especially since everyone in my family eats meat.
I wouldn't really care much about my appearance usually but, I think It's really horrible. I sometimes hate looking at myself in the mirror. I have the worst haircut ever and, I can't be bothered to tell my mum because she'll just send me to this salon shop where the lady can barely do a proper cut.
My face is awfully dark compared to the rest of my body and, I have a really dark neck for some reason.
I have eye bags/ dark rings around my eyes. This might be because I sleep late because I tend to study at night. Although I'm fat and I'm physically unfit, I excel in all my subjects in school. I'm much better academically but, I think my weight is just as important as my studies. I find it difficult to balance between my school and studies as well.
I would try talking to my parents however, It might be quite difficult especially since I'm like.. the son of the family. I usually have to pretend to be tomboyish, especially since my friends are quite like that and, I used to be tomboyish however, I do like the girly things but, It's quite embarrassing to reveal that.
So, If you do have any advice for me, please feel free to pass it on! Because honestly, I really feel like giving up completely. Also, please do not mock me for this. It's hard being 15 and being me. You feel so.. out of place.
I would just like to say that I absolutely love and appreciate everyone's comments!
I'm really glad that I asked for advice on here and I feel incredibly motivated to try all the suggestions.
I will try my best and hopefully, I will be successful!
Thank you very much everyone :')
Mr. Sanitary, I want to say a sincere thank you for your answer.
I found your reply incredibly informative as well so, thank you!
It was very difficult to choose the best answer however because I really appreciated all of the replies.
Confuzzled - Well for one thing don't think about losing the weight by not eating because that obviously just causes serious problems. I would suggest trying different things like eating more fruits and vegetables and working out with a friend so they can push you to keep going even if it looks like you're not making any progress in your mind.
ReplyDeletehope this helps :-)
Jenna - First of all, you are not "ridiculously ugly." Have you ever even seen a TRULY ugly person? I have, and you are not ugly. Also, yes you are overweight, but I have seen much, much fatter people than you. Not saying you shouldn't try eating healthy and losing a little weight, but I hope the fact that you really aren't ugly or that fat encouraged you a little. Anyway, I think you should really, really try to keep eating a lot of vegetables like you were before because that will do a lot for you if you keep doing it, BUT that doesn't mean you can't eat meat. Just eat healthy meat, and balance it out...don't eat all vegetables, all meat, or all bread, because you need the nutrients you get from all of those. Don't eat a lot of sugar either. Don't indulge on things like cake (not saying you do, but just in case you actually do because I used to also) or candy, and don't eat McDonald's, etc...might want to try researching what their food is actually made of anyway..IT'S DISGUSTING. Pretty much become a health nut xD Healthy food doesn't have to be gross either. In fact, a lot of it is good. Make sure you're getting enough water, too. 8 glasses a day minimum. Also, exercise at least an hour a day, but don't overwork yourself. And lastly, don't give up! You can do this! I really hope this helped you and I wish you luck! =D
ReplyDeleteRandom13 - Oh, your not ugly. And just keep busy. I do that. And so I think of food a lot less. And I would recommend growing your hair out. Bigger people look better with longer hair I think :)
ReplyDeleteSanitary103 - Hi there. I am willing to help as long as you're serious about doing this. I have lots of experience with diet/health and fitness but i'll just leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, enough with the "i'm ugly, i'm fat" nonsense. Now i'm not going to sugarcoat anything and say, "you're beautiful inside, blah blah", I don't work that way. The key is that you understand that you need improvement and are seeking help, which is the first correct step. Lets focus on one thing at a time and the first thing to focus on is losing weight, not only to make you look better outside but to help improve your overall health. That takes priority. You can always get a makeover, change your hair in the future.
I actually do not recommend a vegetarian diet. It has too many flaws. I will get vegetarians to disagree but that's fine. Lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish are all main staples that you should be eating quite a bit. Lean protein keeps you feeling fuller longer without all the crazy calories and it doesn't cause an insulin spike. I don't want to confuse the heck out of you b/c I could go on for days but in laymen's terms, "it doesn't promote fat storage as much as carbs".
There is a lot to go over and learn so if you're serious about this, go to youtube and type in, "7 daily healthy habits" by sanitary103. Once you watch that quick video, we can go from there. It should be of help. Feel free to check out my youtube channel as well. I dedicated that channel to help people such as yourself. If you need additional help/support, freel free to contact me via inbox youtube if need be. Best of luck and let me know how things are going.
HereIAm - Starting....get enough sleep, that may help the dark circles. Start using a good sunBLOCK (not sunscreen) on your face and neck to stop melanin production. The skin will lighten over time. Let your hair grow a bit more and pull it back or put it up..use cute combs to hold it in place. (let the girly part of yourself show).
ReplyDeleteYou know the routine for the weight...exercise. Drop the junk food.
onlytryingtohelp - so do something about it rather than sitting there whining.. You don't weigh 120kg by the look of that photo. You are smart and should know better than that.
ReplyDeleteyou need to eat healthily (meat is fine) and take some exercise. Learn to swim and do that; more to exercise than running or the gym. Go dancing or do zumba.
find a different hairdresser. Your skin tone is as it is - where's the problem? Half the world wants that colour.
oh, and a smile would make such a difference.
Jest - I know how you feel. . .
ReplyDeleteNo serioysly i do,lol.Im 17 also and was fat once.
For start,congratz for excelling at your studies,at least you are not a total mess :P
I know it's hard just surviving when you can't be yourself,trust me.But you can't keep like this forever.
The secret to change is to act.For your weight problem,what i can say is,google intermittent fasting(Leangains,Martin berkhan)and Eat-Stop-Eat(Brad pylon),and really get informed about it,you won't regret it.Fasting is really one of the easiest ways of dropping weight while giving you so much more,such as increased focus&attention at the fasting hours which helps for students like you and me:).Losing weight is not rocket science.In the end,all you really need to know is to calculate calories.
Calories in VS calories out.That's just it.
Eat less calories than what you need,and you lose weight.
Eat more calories than what you need,and you gain weight.
For example,a girl like you would have a maintanance calorie count of somewhere around 1800 calories i would reckon.That means you can eat foods that sum up to 1800 calories and not gain nor lose weight.(1800 calories for example is 3 plates of pasta with sauce i reckon)
Knowing is half the battle.If you know what you are eating,you know the outcome of the day(Gain or loss).Discipline,peristence and goals is the key:)
“Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.”
As for the tomboy stuff,i would suggest not being imbarrassed for what you really want.
Hell,you only got one life,you wanna remember yourself as someone who was ashamed to be himself?
Hope i helped you,and i really hope even more that you get through this and get to where you want to be:)
.^. - okay, to get into shape , speed up your metabolism, rid yourself of excess toxins in your blood or fat to lose weight ,,,,,do as follows:
ReplyDeleteStop drinking & smoking (if you do this regularly)
eat fruits & vegetables all you can (buy a food/rice steamer to make it easy on you)...(vegetables might not seem "tasty", like junk foods, at first,,, but can be as you aquire your taste to them..and are loaded with energy and nutrients)...avoid all junk food, cokes, sweets, etc...and drink water . If you eat meat ,,use only steamed, baking or grilled methods for preparing fish or chicken.
also, do an hour of walking each day at least. or some type of excercise.
* you should lose about 10 lbs per month