Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How Long Does It Take For Liver Cancer To Kill Humans?

396545116 please help!


  1. Stephanie F - It varies from person to person. My Uncle had lung cancer that spread to his liver. My mother was shortly diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer which eventually spread too and she died before my uncle, almost a year before him. She was diagnosed just before she turned 52 and she died at age 55. My uncle was a year younger and had it probably a year before her. In his case, though, it originated from his lungs.

    Treatment options for people with liver cancer are surgery (including a liver transplant), ablation, embolization, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. You may have a combination of treatments.

    The treatment that's right for you depends mainly on the following:

    the number, size, and location of tumors in your liver
    how well your liver is working and whether you have cirrhosis
    whether the cancer has spread outside your liver
    Other factors to consider include your age, general health, and concerns about the treatments and their possible side effects.

    At this time, liver cancer can be cured only when it's found at an early stage (before it has spread) and only if people are healthy enough to have surgery. For people who can't have surgery, other treatments may be able to help them live longer and feel better. Many doctors encourage people with liver cancer to consider taking part in a clinical trial. Clinical trials are research studies testing new treatments. They are an important option for people with all stages of liver cancer.

  2. Danielle - it depends on how bad it is. my uncle had the severe case of liver cancer and he lasted no more than a month. i guess what the question is how bad is your cancer?

  3. Assn for Better Insulation - There is no definitive answer to your question. I was diagnosed with primary liver cancer 5 years ago and kidney cancer a few months ago. I don't plan on dying any time soon.

    I researched and tried many alternative remedies as I believe that the chemo is worse than the disease in my case. It took a good year or two and a few thousand dollars to see what worked for me.

    But, I first concentrated on building up my immune system generally and stopped putting as many toxins and heavy metals as possible into my system, eating organic meat, vegetables, milk and I only drink reverse osmosis purified water enhanced with stabilized oxygen.

    And eliminated the stress of being consumed by the thought of having Cancer and dying. Obsessing about it and stressing about it is a sure way of living less.

    Living less in both time and quality of life.

    Enjoy your life, love and don't make yourself or the disease the center and be all of your life. Disease and death are the human condition in a polluted world. The cure is to learn to help and care for those around you so you grow spiritually and are a source of strength and inspiration for your loved ones and not a drain on them. This will make you a happier, healthier person generally, which is mandatory for having a healthy immune system.

    All this may or may not cure cancer, but it is my belief that quality of life is more important than quantity. If you let a cancer diagnosis kill your life and consume your relationships, you've already allowed it to kill what is really important in life, and that's not your body.

    We are all dying. The real job is to remember to live while dying instead of letting a medical diagnosis consume you more than the disease.

    How long do you have to live is your revealing question. Try asking how you can live and love and receive through giving and caring for others and understand that you are handicapping yourself by focusing on death instead of life.

    I have a diagnosis for you that is way more obvious than your cancer diagnosis. You are alive now, today this minute.

    So, try thinking of life and how you can be strong and happy for your family.

    Personally, I want to be remembered as a living, loving, giving person who was and continues to be a source of strength to everyone for the rest of their lives. I don't want to be the person everyone is relieved to see go because I "suffered" so much.

    How do you want to live?

  4. The demon Assasin - my uncle had it for an year and then he passed away
