Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is It Possible To Replace (get My Dentist To Replace) A Silver Cavity Filling With A White One?

also- how much (more?) would the white filling cost?


  1. danielle - if the silver one falls out then you can go back to the dentist and ask the man/woman to replace it with a white one

  2. tripledeucechic - Yes. It sure is.

  3. Hawkeyesrule - A white one costs around 30-40% more than a silver one. And insurance won't pay for it if they've already paid for a filling. And it may not be possible to replace it if the filling is too large because white ones aren't as strong and can't be made as big as silver ones. And not all dentists will be comfortable replacing a perfectly good filling with a new one because it involves drilling away more healthy tooth.
