Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Abs Are Still Killing Me, Even After 2days Of Rest?

396545382 I've just recently got back into working out after a serious injury left me unable to lift weight for a month or so. Anyway abs are still hurting, should i just do some crunches and fight through the soreness or let them heal even longer. Im eager to get going again =).


  1. M - Let them heal. Stomach muscles take a while to get sorted. Just be patient. Last thing you need is another injury.

  2. Koaliee - I think it's great that you are getting right back to work after an injury! To prevent further injury, I'd suggest resting your abs until they are only a little sore, and then go back to doing your crunches. In the meantime, try using different muscles such as your legs. A great exercise to stretch your back is to lie down on your stomach, and then just lift up your stomach like a seal. After, turn your head from one side, then slowly to the other.
