Thursday, September 22, 2011

Raising My Calorie Intake.?

396545384 I have been eating about 1320 calories a day and lost 45 pounds dooing so but now I wanna slow the weight loss by going up to 1620... But I'm afrade that adding 300 calories to my matabolism a day it will shock my system and I will gain weight really fast? How can I go about dooing this without shocking my metabolism? Or are my thoughts totally wrong?


  1. A - You don't mention if you exercize. I would think if you increase your activity level, then it will balance out the added calories.

  2. David - no. you,re on track. congrats. you seem to have a handle on weight loss that many do not.

  3. Nana Lamb - 300 calories is like 1 cookie! or 1 slice of bread! Why worry about it. Keep doin what you are doin right now. Your weight will plateau out so that you don't lose any more weight, but won't gain weight either.

    Every dieter hits that nasty plateau where weight loss stops. Most of them want to go below that plateau but find it almost impossible. So you want to stop before you hit the plateau, maybe you should not stop, but go on to the plateau then maintain that weight.
