Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Bumps Where They Were Removed?

396545381 Last january I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed. Now I have bumps on each spot... my dentist said they healed perfectly at the time but I am now noticing the small hard spots where they each were.... it feels like before I got them out and they were coming through. Not sure what it is? Serious answers please!
Thanks everyone!


  1. V3c Knower - Thats normal, its just skin.

  2. ozboz48 - They are scars, just like you get on your skin after surgery. Perfectly normal.

    All the best.

  3. Dave F - I think you are talking about your lower wisdom teeth areas. There is a little pad of tissue called the Retromolar Pad.

  4. Dental - No need to worry just go for dental checkup and concern to your dentist.
