Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why Is My Face Always Red?

396545389 My face is always red, whether I'm nervous, laughing, or just completely calm. It worsens when I'm giving speeches though. I have fair skin and sunburn easily. A simple fix to cover up redness is foundation or something similar, right? Well, I'm allergic to something in most facial powers/etc. So I can't use those. I'm not over or under confident; I'm at a spot that's just right. So what can I do about my face always turning red?

1 comment:

  1. Ana Gazelle - this happens to me too, i got used to it though and don't think much about it now..usually when i do think about it, it does actually become worse and get redder..but now that i don't think about it, i don't think happens as often..
