Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Need Help On Losing Weight! I Do Not Want To Starve Myself But Am Desperate?

396545382 In need serious help losing weight!!! Well, lately, I knew that I needed to lose weight. So, I decided to go on A diet a couple of weeks ago. It lasted a week and I cheated. I still cant believe myself. Anways, back on the subject. Today, I was outside, bending over and my bottom was in the air. Now keep in mind, I am NOT a skinny girl needing to lose weight, I mean that I am a REAL fat person that need's to seriously desperately lose weight.

Today, I was bending over, and a, don't take offense to this beause I promise i am not racist, jsut describing it a little better. There was a black guy that I didn't see walking in the raod while I was in the yard. When I saw him, he said "How ya'll doin?" (It was me and my female cousin outside except she is skinny) I, being the poilte person that I am, said "fine." and smield and looked back down to teh ground finishing cleaning to the yard. And then he started saying, "I like that, I like that, Yeah, I like that." Over and over again. He WAS still walking, but he never took his eyes off of me until he had passed. He said something else but I oculdn't understand him. The sickest part? This guy looked 20-30 years older than me! EWW! I am not worried about him, pesonally, because I probably wont ever see him in my life ever again. What I am worried about is if HE thought that about me, what do otehr black guys think? So they all stare at my butt? Not only black guys, but all guys? I am soo self conscious about my body as it is, but now, I am sared out of my mind. I hope that no one else thinks that of me.....

What I want to know... I need to lose weight FAST! like 40 pounds! PLEASE! I am begging! Anyone who knows anything about dieting! please answer me! I, right now, am 209. I want to be 165 by Jan. 1. Can anyone help me?!?!

I need anything! PLEASE! I do not want another old man hittin on me! Especially because of my BUTT! HELP!!!

I do NOT want to starve myself, but if i must, i must. I seriousyl cant take this anymore.... anyone, please, help me with advice! Please! Thanks!
NO OFFENSE to any blak ppl... I just don't want a black guy looking at me like that... I DONT date them...

1 comment:

  1. Lopez Cruze - Please don't starve do some sport and remove meat from your diet...results you ll see soon
