Saturday, September 24, 2011

Are These Allergies???? Help!?

396545383 I'm 14 and I cant go to the doctor any time soon. Every few months I get really sick. It usually lasts for like 2 weeks. My throat gets sore and itchy. Then my nose gets STUFFED. Its HORRIBLE. I cant breathe through it and it makes it hard to sleep and I have to blow my nose 10 times a minute. It stings alot. And I lose all taste. I cant taste or smell food at all when I'm like this. And I get really tired. It usually happens every time a new season starts or every few months. Is this allergies?????


  1. Femdyk - could be. until you can go to the doctor why don't you try washing your face and hair and rinsing your nose and sinuses with saline drops. it really does help.

  2. Diane Blessing - Schlabach - This sounds like allergies to me. See the article I wrote with some simple allergy solutions that might help since you can't go to the doctor. My children take claritin you can get the pharmacy brand label if you are on a budget, it works the same.

  3. FJCpink22 - It could be allergies, but for the most part it just sounds like you're sick. It's very common to get sick with what you have when the seasons change (because of the temperature change) I'm 16, have seasonal allergies, and I tend to get sick a lot and I think you're just getting sick. allergies can also contribute to getting sick though so you might not know for sure until you go to a doctor. Answer mine?;_ylt=AkKt25dMTbpWEigC4dnsE4nty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110915162755AAQ2Sah
